Our Private Domain feature is available on the Power plan.
To set up your Private Domain, open your account panel and click Business Settings.
Scroll down and click White Label to open its settings.
Then click the Enable White Label button.
In the White Label field, you can update the “Powered by” section (or add a space to remove the ‘Powered by’ dialogue altogether).
Now you can also set up Private Domain. Point your host DNS CNAME to whitelabel.woobox.com, then just enter your domain name into the Custom Domain field to activate your custom domain.
Keep in mind that we are still hosting the landing page, so if you are using the default landing page (not embedded), the Woobox.com URL will display in the browser’s address bar after the page loads.
To avoid this entirely, you’ll need to also embed the offer to host it on your website rather than on ours, and redirect shares to the embedded version in the Overview section of your campaign’s dashboard by clicking “Preview” and entering the redirect URL.